Monday, June 20, 2011

100 years ago: June 20, 1911

Government Buys Them From Dr. Grenfell for Far North-West

Ottawa, June 20.—The Government of Canada has made addition to the transportation facilities of the country in the form of fifty reindeer. The purchase was made from Dr. Grenfell, of Labrador, who is being paid fifty-one dollars each for the animals. They will be taken from Labrador by boat to Quebec in September, and will go by train to Edmonton or to Athabasca Landing, if the Canadian Northern has rails down to that point, early in the autumn. Scows will be built to complete the journey down the Athabaska River to Fort Smith, which is the destination of the herd.

The reindeer have proved a great success in Labrador. The conditions have been found entirely suitable for them, and the original herd of three hundred have grown by natural increase to some twelve hundred. They have proved to be as good for travel as in Lapland, and their flesh and milk have proved a boon on more than one occasion.

It is believed that they will prove even more useful in the Canadian north, where dog teams are now used for winter travel.

— Toronto Star, June 20, 1911

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